Mealworm Frass Directions for Use

Seed Starting
Combine 1 part Wormera Mealworm Frass with 10 parts peat moss-based mix or coco coir. Moisten well before planting.

Vegetables and Annual Flowers
Before planting seedlings, sprinkle the bottom of the plant holes with 5-10 ml (1-2 tsp) of Wormera Mealworm Frass. During the growing season, top dress at a rate of 5 ml (1 tsp) per plant or broadcast 125 ml (1/4 cup) per linear foot of garden row every month.

Perennial Flowers
Work 15-60 ml (1-3 tbsp) mealworm frass into the soil above the root zone, taking care not to damage shallow roots. Apply monthly.

Potted Plants, Hanging Baskets and Window Boxes
New Plantings: For potting mix, use 125 ml (1/4 cup) mealworm frass per 4 L (1 gallon) preferred growing media such as a peat moss-based mix or coco coir.

Established Plants: Add 15 ml (1 tbsp) of mealworm frass per 4 L (1 gallon) of water to containers. Mix in, taking care not to damage shallow roots. Water thoroughly, and repeat every 1-2 months.

Roses, Trees, Shrubs and Berries
New Plantings: Fill the planting hole with a mixture of 1 part Mealworm Frass to 10 parts soil.

Established Plants: Use 125 ml (1/4 cup) per inch of tree trunk diameter. Spread evenly over the root area and water well.

New Plantings: Apply 3 kg (6.5 lbs) per 1000 sq. ft. Rake into topsoil. Add grass seed and water well.

Established Planting: Broadcast 1 kg (2 lbs) per 1000 sq. ft. as a top dressing. Add 2-3 times per year.

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