Gardener's Dilemma

Isn’t it every gardener's dilemma? I don’t know about you but I just can’t get myself to throw out plants that are doing well!

In January I started an experiment comparing seeds started with our worm castings and frass to seeds started without regular starting mix from the store. My plan was to thin them out and only end up with a handful of big ones to plant out in the garden. I was quite pleased with my plan to have some early garden tomatoes this year. I used old seeds so I double-planted to be safe.

Big mistake!

Of course, almost all of the tomatoes in the castings and frass all came up and looked way too healthy to just throw out! They were bigger and had a deep rich green colour compared to the seedling mix ones. Now I have 10 Manitoba tomato plants that are fully in flower that I have no shelf space and no lights for!  And they need to be up-potted right away. Sorry for the awful pictures. I really have to practice my photography skills.

Healthy tomatoes grown with worm castings and frass

At least the seedling mix plants were kind of sad and pale so I had no guilt about giving them to the worms to eat. No plants go to waste around here. 

Tomato Plants grown with worm castings and mealworm frass


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